- Additional payout figure calculation method ETF only has been introduced which is useful for rent products.
- VIN decoding and configurable check is available.
- New report Leasing Customer Short / Long Term Liabilities (less than one year period and outstanding period) is available.
- Email notifications has been enriched with notifications for:
- Variable interest update.
- Insurance policy expiration.
- Credit Memo document posting.
- E-Signature functionality review and adjustments to work the same way for all service providers (Docusign, Onespan). Ready for extending with different providers.
- Services price base has been extended with new option MSRP Sticker Price.
- Service API area has been prepared for extending to integrate with customer’s specific service providers.
- Quick calculator was improved and allows to input custom Residual Value and custom Term.
- Calculated Penalty Interest has received an option to be invoiced on demand, not only with installment invoicing. Calculation details visibility has been improved and simplified for users.

The SOFT4 launched a new SOFT4Leasing solution version SL62. For you, as a Partner, it is important to know about new features and technological advancements.
There are number of functional improvements, fixes and new features implemented:
SOFT4Leasing Release SL62 (May 2022)
NEW Features in SOFT4Leasing:
- Customer portal is available as standalone application. Customers can review his contracts details, issued invoices and credit notes, download customer statement and payment plan, send messages to back office, upload supporting documents, download documents templates.
If you have questions regarding the SOFT4Leasing new release or how to update the version, contact us at partners@soft4.eu.
Upcoming version: SOFT4Leasing Release SL63
(planned to release in September 2022)
Have access to the new features as soon as they’re released!
- Enhanced functionality for Operating Lease asset return, including Appraisal process, extra mileage and damage charges.
- Fully configurable data checks for “Submit to Approval” and “Submit for Settlement” processes.
- Active Contract applicant variation feature.
- Improvements for Master Lease Agreements.
- Extended API to provide better experience for third party software integrations.