The SOFT4 launched a new SOFT4Leasing solution version SL61. For you, as a Partner, it is important to know about new features and technological advancements. Here’s a list of features and functionalities that have been introduced with the new SOFT4Leasing version:
SOFT4Leasing Release SL61 (September 2021)
The following features and functionality are introduced with SOFT4Leasing version SL61.
- Initial Invoices Posting functionality for Contract activation enables Sales Documents creation and posting in the Contract activation process, not only for installments invoicing.
- Receivables Type Posting Setup is introduced for precise leasing account receivables component recognition on posting and for application priorities assignment by binding source code to specific leasing receivable type.
- The installment schedule has been extended by including a new Installment Fee component to apply an additional charge for every installment.
- Installment schedule calculation for every financial product can be configured to use standard SOFT4Leasing calculation engine (Worldwide) or new TValue calculation which is implemented first time in SOFT4Leasing and follows popular TValue software.
- Supporting Documents feature has been introduced for Approval Conditions. Now the system can verify automatically if required supporting documents are uploaded before submitting the Application for approval, for compliance, or both.
- Notifications in the system have been improved to configure and send Email Notifications easier for the following scenarios:
- On Application / Contract status change to Originator, Customer, Lessor.
- On Installment Schedule Date or another date which can be calculated using date formula and installment schedule date. Notification can be sent to the Customer only.
- On posted Sales Invoice creation to send a notification to the customer with Sales Invoice document attached.
- Dealer / Broker role user interface updates for a more simplified user experience.
- Stamp tax management functionality improvements.
- Insurance products functionality now contains the following new features:
- Insurance product price can be defined as the percentage of the Amount Financed.
- Insurance can be skipped for the first or residual value payment.
- Insurance Commissions and Cost amounts can be attached to amortization profiles.
- Residual Value is possible to post into a dedicated GL Account on Contract activation for accounting purposes mandatory in some countries.
- New Documents verification framework is provided for developers: codeunit “Check Applic. Doc. to Print”, codeunit “Check Document”.
- Application Data Interface Management framework is introduced to provide a programming interface for any external data source integrations required to collect/verify data before starting the Application credit assessment process.
- New Customer’s fields: PEP, Privacy Consent, Marketing Consent.
- New Contract’s date fields: Delivery Certificate, Purchase Contract, Contract Inception.
- New Expiring Soon Contracts configurable page-based report.
- System supports Downpayment Amount usage with Operating Lease as well.
- Schedule calculation is updated for contracts with Residual Value where Installments Due = In Advance.
- Application Print Documents Setup (former Originator Documents Set to Print) extended with additional fields.
- Decision Tree and Score Card can have configured variables to define more complex rules.
- The disbursement Schedule table is discontinued and is not used anymore.
- A number of minor bug fixes are included in this release.
- Module 45. (S4L.APPAT) was removed from the SOFT4Leasing PREMIUM version.