The SOFT4RealEstate solution is developed constantly – our team is always working towards a better version of the system. We’ve launched new features and made technical advancements, aiming to improve the lives of property managers. The SOFT4 team is happy to announce the release of SOFT4RealEstate new version S4RE160. Here’s a list of features and functionalities that have been introduced with the new SOFT4RealEstate version. We hope that you are looking forward to using and exploring new features and improvements over SOFT4RealEstate!
NEW Features in SOFT4RealEstate:
- Discounts on Contract level. It is now possible to set a discount on the lease contract line level for a specific period. This will allow you to keep base price information. Discounts can be defined to be calculated based on a unit area, fixed discount amount, or as a percentage of the total amount.
- Customer Brands. Multiple Customer Brands can be assigned to a tenant and then You can select one of them in the Lease Contract.
- New Configuration Wizard will let You easily set up new companies in your environment without missing key areas.
- Contract Diary will let You keep information on various dates related to a contract that should not be missed.
- Contract Dates report will give You lists of different dates – Rent Reviews, possible Termination Options, Contract Diary and Contract Expiration dates for a given period. You can prepare a report for separate buildings or include multiple buildings in one report.
- Improved Price Indexing will let You choose whether prices should be indexed during invoicing or by creating new Service Prices so that You can see all the history of the changes.
- Crediting Sales Invoices using standard Business Central features will also cancel Service Ledger Entries so that it will allow You to create Sales Invoices for the same period again.
- You can switch to use the Lease Unit area as a Quantity or have Quantity 1 and the total amount as Unit Price.
- It is now possible to define Price based on turnover (sales amount) excluding base rent so that Invoice can be created only for the difference between base rent and Turnover Rent if the latter is higher.
- The Tenancy Schedule report is updated to include more data from Lease Contract, including Tenant details, Brand, Opex %, Next Rent Review Date. It is also possible to choose only Rented units to be included in the report.
- Possibility to disable Service Price changes for Valid Lease Contracts. By enabling this feature, prices can be edited only by creating new Contract versions.
- Creation of Purchase Order from Work Order will convert Service Code used in work order line to GL Account. This allows You to Use Services in Work Orders and create PO’s for services.
- Updated Role Center includes more actions, grouped menu items, Headlines, and Expiring Lease Contract list.
Bug fixes:
- Printing Lease Contract custom template.
- Creating New Lease Contract Version from Released contract view.
- Turnover Journal – possibility to post negative entries.
- Area – Contract Analysis report bug for handling Quarterly prices.